NHSBCA Points of Pride

Tennessee Points of Pride 2017

Written by BCAT - Tennessee Basketball Coaches Association | Jan 19, 2019 9:22:22 PM
The Tennessee Basketball Coaches Association currently has several things going on as this busy 2017 winds down. We have signed sponsorship agreements with Baron Rings, PGC Basketball, and Dr. Dish – very excited about these new relationships that will improve the “quality” of resource/opportunities for our membership. Also, we have started a scholarship program for our membership’s children and their players. Also, plans are in the works to create a Tennessee Basketball “Hall of Fame,” which will require a great deal of work and dedication. Our clinic was outstanding this past Fall, and we are pushing hard to build up our membership. We are sending out weekly playbooks/notebooks to our coaches, and continue to look for ways to increase the value of our association for the Tennessee high school basketball community. Our participation in the NHSBCA Convention last July in Indianapolis continued to upgrade our opportunities, and we look forward uncovering new “gems” at this year’s event in North Carolina!